Dear Friends,
Several years ago, friends and family of the Ralph Samp family and others donated memorial funds to have the present pavilion built at the McCune Cemetery. This building has served well throughout the years to protect bereaved families from the elements during funeral services. However, time has taken its toll, and the Samp family, as well as many of you, realize the building needs to be replaced.
A group of citizens have joined together as a committee and, with permission of the city council, have asked that the McCune Alumni accept this project as a charity donation project. The Alumni has a 501(c)(3) status, making any donation to the project tax deductible. The treasurer of the Alumni Association, Kathy Stewart, has agreed to collect the funds and to take on the extra paperwork.
We are asking for your donation to complete this project. Any amount will be appreciated. Be sure to note on your check that it is for the shelter at the cemetery so it will be put into the proper account and mail it to:
McCune Pavilion Committee
%McCune Alumni Association, Inc.
PO Box 122
McCune, Ks. 66753
Please make your check payable to McCune Alumni Association, Inc.
Memo- Cemetery shelter
The Alumni Association is again selling donation tickets on a $100.00 bill. Tickets are for sale from steering committee members, and by mail.
Prices: Six for $5.00 or one for $1.00
$100 first prize
$50.00 second prize
$25.00 third prize
The drawing will take place at the Alumni Reunion on Saturday afternoon, September 23, 2023.
You do NOT need to be present to win.
Contact Kathy Stewart
Tickets will not be mailed, but rest assured your name will be in the hopper to win.
Proceeds will go to the Alumni Scholarship fund.